10 Easy and Effective Arms Workout for Women
Lots of women choose to focus their exercise efforts on their lower body. They work on toning their glutes and thighs to give themselves a firm butt and toned legs. If they do work the upper body then they focus on ab exercises for a flat stomach. Far too many women are overlooking the importance of arm exercises out of a fear of looking too bulky. Don’t underestimate the sexual appeal of toned biceps and triceps. Here are 10 easy and effective arms workout for women.
Here are the 10 Easy and Effective Arms Exercises for Women
1. The Thinker:

The Thinker works your biceps and triceps, and it couldn’t be simpler to do. All you need is a chair and a resistance band. Start out by sitting in a chair with your feet wide apart. Have one end of the resistance band under your left foot, and grab the other end of the band with you right hand. Keep your arm straight and rest your elbow on the inner thigh of your right leg. Curl your arm up towards your shoulder – as in the picture above – and then lower your arm. Perform 12 reps and then switch sides to work the other arm for another 12 reps.
2. Two-fold Row:

This exercise works the triceps and back. Once again, all you need for it is a resistance band. Start with your feet hip-width apart and place your left foot in front of the right foot. Put the middle of the resistance band underneath your left foot and grip each end of the band in each hand, keeping your arms down. Drive your elbows up and back to squeeze your shoulder blades towards your spine, as shown above. Lower your arms and then repeat for 12 reps.
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3. Front Raise:

The front raise works your shoulders. Start with your feet hip-width apart, as in the last exercise. This time, you want to put one end of the resistance band under your right foot. Use your right hand to grip the other end, with your palm facing your thigh. Lift your arm forward until it reaches shoulder height, as shown above. Lower your arm back to the starting position. Perform 12 reps before switching sides and performing 12 reps with your left hand.
4. Arch:

The arch exercise works the triceps and back. Start by holding your hands overhead, with one end of the resistance band in each hand. Have your palms out and your feet hip-width apart, as shown in the picture above. Keep your arms straight and lower them out to your sides at shoulder height, with the resistance band stretching behind your head. Return to the start position and repeat for 12 reps.
5. Cuff Pivot:

The cuff pivot works the shoulders. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart with one end of the resistance band in each hand. Fold your left arm across your waist and extend your right arm to the side with your elbow bent – as shown above. Open your left forearm to the side while keeping your right arm fixed and your elbow on your waist. Return your left arm to the folded position. Do 12 reps before switching sides and doing the exercise for another 12 reps.
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6. Bow and Arrow:

The bow and arrow work the shoulders and triceps. Start by holding one end of the resistance band in each hand with your feet kept hip-width apart. Extend your left arm to the side at your shoulder, with your palm out. Bend your right arm in front of your chest. Pull the right elbow back while keeping the left arm firm, as if you were drawing a bow. Return the right arm to the front of your chest. Perform 12 reps before switching sides and repeating the exercise.
7. Back Attack:

The back attack works your shoulders and back. Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your knees bent, with one end of the resistance band under your right foot, with the other end in your right hand. Bend down at the waist and keep your left arm on your left thigh, moving your right arm down with the palm back. Drive your right elbow up before lowering your arm. Perform 12 reps before switching sides and repeating the exercise.
8. Push Out:

The Push-Out works the biceps and back. Start by gripping the band behind the middle of your back, with each end of the band in each hand and your palms forward. Keep your arms out to the side and your elbows bent 90 degrees, with your feet hip-width apart. Push your arms out to your sides from your hips until the band is taut, as in the picture above. Return to the starting position and perform 12 reps, pulsing for five counts on the last rep.
9. Hang Tough:

The hang tough works the shoulders and back. Start with one end of the resistance band under your right foot with the other in your right hand. Lift your left leg backward and lower your torso, creating a T-shape with your body with your arms straight towards the floor and your palms facing inwards. Hold the pose as you bring up your right elbow – as in the picture – and then lower your arm to finish the exercise. Perform 12 reps before repeating for the other side.
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10. Go-To Press:

The go-to press works the biceps and chest. Stagger your feet with the right foot in front of the left one, with the resistance band behind your back at the shoulder blades; one end in each hand. Raise your arms to shoulder height and keep your elbows bent at 90 degrees with your palms down. Straighten your arms forward as shown in the picture above. Bring your arms back and repeat the exercise for 12 reps.